That's County Executive Rich Fitzgerald introducing everyone. From the press release:
Today on the portico of the City County Building representatives from the nearly 40 unions, organizations, and elected officials, and individuals will gather at 1 p.m. to affirm their endorsement of Bill Peduto for Mayor.There were representatives from the School Board, City Council, County Council, The General Assembly (both The House and The Senate) as well as members from Pittsburgh's Faith community and Labor Unions. I even saw a sign from the Gertrude Stein Political Club and a few National Organization for Women signs.
What stood out for me was that each person speaking had basically the same message: that Bill Peduto is the candidate who's worked with broad coalitions (at various local and statewide political or community levels) in the past and he's the one who can form new coalitions in the future.
In addressing the crowd, Peduto spoke of a "new coalition for a new Pittsburgh" and if you're curious what this "new coalition" looks like, here's the current list of endorsements.
First the political:
State Senator Jay Costa, Senate Democratic LeaderAnd then the unions:
State Senator Wayne Fontana, Caucus Administrator
State Representative Dan Frankel, Caucus Chair
State Representative Ed Gainey
State Representative Erin Molchany
State Representative Paul Costa
County Executive Rich Fitzgerald
County Council President Chuck Martoni
County Councilman Bill Robinson
City Councilman Bruce Kraus
City Councilman Patrick Dowd
City Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak
School Board President Sharene Shealey
School Board Member Mark Brentley
Former Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds Valerie McDonald Roberts
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees 84 (AFSCME)And finally:
Fraternal Association of Professional Paramedics Local 1
International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 3 (IATSE)
International Brother of Teamsters/Graphic Comm. International Union Local 24 (IBT/GCIU)
Ironworkers Local 3
Laborers District Council of Western PA
Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Local 400 (PFT)
Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ (SEIU)
Sheet Metal Workers Local 12
Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, Greater Pittsburgh Chapter (SOAR)
United Food & Commercial Worker Local 23 (UFCW)
United Steelworkers (USW)
Ceasefire PAIf this endorsement list is any indication, that's what Peduto's New Coalition for a New Pittsburgh looks like.
Clean Water Action
Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania
Equality PA
Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh
PA National Organization of Women (PA NOW)
Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania
Progress Pittsburgh PAC
Sierra Club Allegheny Group
Steel City Stonewall Democrats
Faith leader John C. Welch
Post Script: Let me point out that while the OPJ is on Peduto's "Cyber Staff", I am not. I have no affiliation with either of the candidates and as I am neither a Democrat or a City of Pittsburgh resident, I won't be voting in the primary.
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