Vanity Fair has posted photos of President Obama with his feet up on his Oval Office desk. But it's not just any desk. This desk was a gift from Britain's Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880. Known as the Resolute desk, it was built from the timbers of an Arctic exploration ship of the same name. Nothing like disrespecting history.The braintrust has yet again taken offense at something Obama has done (or not done, or is planning to do even though there's no evidence that he is). They're offended by this:

That's the first picture from the Vanity Fair photo spread on Obama, the "Lean-Back President."
With all of the real stuff they could have written about, this is what they do write about - outrage (OUTRAGE!) that President Obama would disrespect history by putting his feet on the Resolute Desk.
Funny, they didn't seem to have a problem with this photo:

Or this one:

Heck this bit of Obama-Derangement isn't even new - Snopes covered it more than 3 years ago.
The braintrust embarrasses itself (and the rest of the Tribune-Review).
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